Friday, November 23, 2007

ATF Corruption

I have not yet had the time or resources to post my own recent experiences with the abuse by the ATF, but I will go ahead and post a couple of links with some simple information on the ATF and their corruption.

Hopefully this blog will receive enough viewers to truly expose the ATF and who they really are and what their real goal is. I'm not talking about the Alcohol and Tobacco stuff, I'm talking about the Firearms related stuff.

The #1 thing to realize is that it is unlawful to tax a constitutional right. The only authority ATF has over firearms is their (unlawful) authority to tax firearms.

This is the whole reason they raided Mount Carmel in Waco, TX. They believed the organization (cult/religion whatever you want to call it) located in the compound was manufacturing fully automatic weapons. Which isn't illegal at all. You're just supposed to pay a tax to the ATF when you do. Which they weren't. So they went into Waco with a search collect a tax...and we all know how that went down.

Once you grasp the concept that the entire existence of the "F" in "ATF" is unlawful, it's much easier to comprehend all the other things they do.

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